ICCallLimousine is a limousine car rent script where site users will be able to search car availability with an online booking reservation system. Site users can also browse cars, view car inventory, check availability, and book reservations in real-time.
Site users enter from date and end date then search for availability and rates. After choosing the right car - all booking and reservation process is done on the site and an email is sent to confirm the booking.
Administrator Panel
Account Manager
- Administrators - Administrator can add / edit and manage administrator accounts.
Cars Manager
- Cars - Here the administrator can manage car types that are offered for rent.
- Car Models - Here the administrator can enter cars and images of the cars, divided into the car types specified on the cars page.
- Seasons - Here the administrator can enter seasons and specify time periods.
Rent Bookings Manager
- Available Cars - Administrator can also search for cars availability from the administrators panel and does not have to go on the site in order to look for available cars.
- Rent Bookings - All bookings and reservations made on the site are displayed with all booking details: Car Category, Booking Date, Amount, Arrival Date, Leaving Date and Is Paid for.
- Bookings History - Administrators can view all bookings ever made on the site.
- Rent Bookings Statistics - Administrator can view statistics of booking on bar charts that show the difference in bookings according to months.
- Email Templates - Administrators can edit the text on each email.
- Languages - Define the languages that will be viewed on the site with the language code.
- Constants - For each language the administrator can define the wording.
- Panel Settings - Here the administrator can define the basic site name and header.
- Menu Manager - Here the site administrator can rearrange the menu bar with the sub pages of the administrator panel.